Tamás Joó’s article in Tobacco Control about the effects of tightening the domestic tobacco retail market

Our vice president, Tamás Joó, published an article in Tobacco Control in January 2024. Tobacco Control is an international peer-reviewed journal that covers the nature and consequences of tobacco use worldwide.

The article details that Hungary provides an example of how strict tobacco retail licensing is a feasible tool to affect youth access to and use of tobacco products. The study shows how the reduction policy impacted the nationwide tobacco retailer density. It summarises the changes in the national tobacco retail market and reports on analyses of the impact of this intervention on illegal sales to minors and adolescent smoking behavior.

 Click on the link to read the full article: https://tobaccocontrol.bmj.com/content/tobaccocontrol/early/2024/02/05/tc-2023-058232.full.pdf