We organize the Hackathon competitions with the Centre for Health Management Training at Semmelweis University.
Undergraduates and recent graduates can compete as teams and individuals in Hackathons, which offer big cash prizes. Each Hackathon has a different theme, usually based on a topical issue.
We involve several Hungarian universities in organizing the Hackathons to ensure that the teams are as diverse as possible. The challenge is to find and present a novel, creative solution at the team level that fits the given topic. The more heterogeneous a team is, the more angles it can approach the problem from and the more exciting and holistic ideas it can generate.
Mentors from different disciplines help the contributors to work together.
2017 VITATHON: Its theme was health promotion, disease prevention, modern health treatments, and rehabilitation. The contestants had the opportunity to extract information from accurate social data and big data and use it to highlight the critical points for progress. The challenge was to tackle data on drug smoking and related health problems.
2018 BRAIN MARATHON 4HEALTH: How can we make the populations of underdeveloped regions healthier through new, innovative digital technologies?
2021 ONLINE HACKATHON: In the shadow of the pandemic, we organized the “Vaccination Campaign – How would you do it?” Hackathon to develop unique approaches and new innovative solutions to the competition’s title question, which will increase vaccination uptake and raise awareness.
2023 HACK4CURE: The “Data to Health” Hackathon competition was created to generate ideas for innovative solutions to healthcare’s digital transformation, the rise of data-driven healthcare, or the use of artificial intelligence.
2024 HACK4CURE: This time we organize two Hackathons. For the ’Green Hospital’ we are looking for ideas and projects that help hospitals to operate sustainably, reduce their ecological footprint, minimise waste, support digital transformation and promote energy-saving solutions. The other topic is ‘Health for All’ which focuses on digital solutions ‒ we are looking for ideas that deliver authentic, easy-to-access solutions, whether health awareness, lifestyle change, or disease prevention.